Learn how your skin can boost your confidence with Lisa Goodeve.
Lisa Goodeve is a specialist in natural skincare and helping people find their confidence through their skin. Starting as a beauty therapist, she now creates her own line of chemical-free, local, organic and sustainable products. Contact her at https://www.lisagoodeve.co.nz/
The original music in the latter part of the show is SwingatOmique recorded live at NZ Spirit South Island. The original multi-instrumental version recorded at Free Soul School Switzerland can be listened to at https://freesoulschoolswitzerland.bandcamp.com/track/swingatomique.
Listen to other music that Sarah sings on a variety of albums via this Spotify playlist.
Theme music is Trust by Sarah Marlowe Spence, on the album Awake by Premratna. The inspiration for the name of this podcast was from Brene Brown ‘The Midlife Unraveling’ The show’s cover art is by Samantha Hepburn Art.
Details on astrological transits are covered in Episode Nine and Episode 26.