Sacred sites and life adventures with Gary Cook, a sacred site archaeologist, author, documentary maker and storyteller extraordinaire.
Gary Cook is a sacred site archaeologist, author, documentary maker and storyteller extraordinaire. Contact him via where you can find out about his sacred site writings, documentary and audio music.
Further information on the sacred sites of Castle Hill and Te Miringa Te Kakara, and the book Song of Waitaha can be found on Barry Brailsford’s website
The original music in the latter part of the show is by Gary’s sidekick, Sybella.
Theme music is Trust by Sarah Marlowe Spence, on the album Awake by Premratna. The inspiration for the name of this podcast was from Brene Brown ‘The Midlife Unraveling’ The show’s cover art is by Samantha Hepburn Art. Listen to other music that Sarah sings on a variety of albums via this Spotify playlist.
More details on astrological transits are covered in Episode Nine and Episode 26. Another handy reference is Molly McCord on astrological transits, broken down by decade of life.