Unraveling Midlife: Episode 22 Solar Eclipse Special - a panel discussion on power and ethics

Sarsha Hope, Kara-Leah Grant and host Sarah Spence discuss power, ethics and contemplate questions about how we can address the imbalances we encounter in current conditioned culture.

Sarsha Hope, Kara-Leah Grant and host Sarah Spence discuss power, ethics and contemplate questions about how we can address the imbalances we encounter in current conditioned culture.

This topic was selected after several YouTube interviews on similar topics by the panelists about impacts in the community, perfectly suited to a Scorpio new moon.

Theme music is Trust by Sarah Marlowe Spence, on the album Awake by Premratna. The show’s cover art is by Samantha Hepburn Art. Details on astrological transits are covered in Episode Nine.